Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Mychron 4

Nowadays, most karts are fitted with some kind of lap timer - The Tyro karts are all fitted with a Mychron 4 which is mounted onto the steering wheel, this measures many things - in this entry I will show you how to set up and use a Mychron 4.

1. Mount the Mychron 4 onto the steering wheel using the bolts and screws on the back of the device like so...

2. To get lap times to be recorded and displayed on the device you need to connect a 'timer cable' which looks like this...

3. Connect the cable to the middle socket on the rear of the Mychron 4 and bolt the speed sensor to anywhere on the kart (mine is positioned under the seat)...

4. If you the Mychron 4 to act as a temperature monitor, connect this cable (below) to the top connection on the rear of the Mychron 4 and slot the other end of the cable into the engine pocket ...

5. If you want the Mychron to act as a rev monitor, connect the cable (below) to the slot on the back of the Mychron 4 and the other end of the cable to the appropriate area of your engine (refer to the engines manual!)...

Your Mychron 4 should now act as a lap timer, a temperature sensor and a rev monitor! Comment on your success if you try it yourself!

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